Turning 30 may be cause to cheer or cringe, depending on where you're from.
In 2014, photographer Stephane Domingues set out on a 15-month expedition around the world to meet and document the lives of other people in their 30s." He wanted to see how nationality, culture, and living situations shape our values and define our identities.
The result is a stunning and honest portrait series, titled "Being 30." Domingues shared some of the images with us. You can find out more about the project on his blog.
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"Turning 30 was quite an important event in my life," Stephan Domingues told Business Insider in 2015, when we first spoke. "I felt it was the case for people around me."
Domingues spent a few months trying to organize his travel itinerary and a few years preparing financially, but ultimately left his route in "the hands of destiny."
He left Paris in 2014 with his trusty Fuji X-T1 camera and a one-way ticket to Ethiopia.
See the rest of the story at Business Insider